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Bahrain has a population of 1,234,571 people, Bahrain’s capital city is Manama and largest city Manama.

Bahrain personel income per capita $23,132 (33rd), jobless rate 2.25% and its currency Bahraini dinar (BHD) . Bahrain official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Arabic, ethnics groups.

World Trade Center, Manama, Bahrain

World Trade Center, Manama, BahrainSkyline of Manama dominated by the World trade Center building, Bahrain.

Manama City, Bahrain

Manama city, Bahrain
Bird view of Manama city, Bahrain. Skyline with modern skyscrapers standing on the coast of Persian Gulf.

Bahrain Skyline Sunrise

Bahrain Skyline Sunrise

Bahrain Skyline during sunrise.

Skyline of Manama, Bahrain

Skyline of Manama, Bahrain
Skyline of Manama dominated by the World trade Center building during night, Bahrain.

Al Fateh Grand Mosque in Manama

Al Fateh Grand Mosque in Manama
MANAMA, BAHRAIN, FEB 16, 2017 Interior of the Al Fateh Grand Mosque in Manama, the capital of Bahrain.

Bab al Bahrain Square in Manama

Bab al Bahrain Square in Manama

View of the Bab al Bahrain square in Manama, the capital of Bahrain.

Al Fateh Grand Mosque, Bahrain

Al Fateh Grand Mosque, Bahrain
Al Fateh Grand Mosque manama city, Bahrain.

Capital of Bahrain Kingdom

Capital of Bahrain Kingdom
Street view of Manama city, Capital of Bahrain Kingdom.

Reine, Lofoten, Norway

Reine, Lofoten, Norway
Bahrain, Manama – in January 25- 2015, Areal view of the Bahrain, rooftops in the early foggy morning.

Bahrain Bay in Manama

Bahrain Bay in Manama

Manama, Bahrain – March 10th 2017 – Night View of Manama along Bahrain Bay in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.

Where is Bahrain on the Asia Map?

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