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Malaysia has a population of 28,334,135 people, Malaysia’s largest city Kuala Lumpur is the capital of Malaysia.

Malaysia’s personel income per capita $10,578, jobless rate 3.00% and its currency Ringgit (RM) (MYR). Malaysia official languages and mostly spoken dialects are Malaysian, English.

Ethnics Groups : 50.4% Malay, 23.7% Chinese, 11.0% Indigenous, 7.1% Indian, 7.8% Other.

Crystal Mosque in Kuala Terengganu

Crystal Mosque in Kuala TerengganuEvening view of crystal mosque in Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia

Malaysia Satellite Map

Malaysia Satellite Map
Malaysia Earth with translucent water in the oceans and the detailed topography of the continents. A fragment of the Asia and Oceania. Isolated on white.

Malaysia Touristic Destination

Malaysia Touristic Destination
Malaysia Touristic Destination, Coastline.

Kuala Lumpur Skylines, Malaysia

Kuala Lumpur Skylines, Malaysia
Swimming pool on roof top with beautiful city view kuala lumpur malaysia.

Petronas Skyline, Kuala Lumpur

Petronas Skyline, Kuala Lumpur
Landscape of Kuala lumpur Petronas skyline, Malaysia under cloudy blue sky.

Temple Penang, Malaysia

Temple Penang, Malaysia
One of the most famous Temple located in Penang, Malaysia called ‘Kek Lok Si’. In English we called it ‘Peace Temple’. The construction start since 1890. It’s a trademark of Penang Island.

Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia: Sunset at Kuching, Sarawak with colorful sky sunset beautiful light during golden hour.

Where is Malaysia in the World?

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