Oklahoma Photos

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A Collection of Oklahoma Photos

Tulsa, Oklahoma USA

Tulsa, Oklahoma USA
View of the city Tulsa, Oklahoma USA.

The Skyline of Oklahoma City

the skyline of Oklahoma City
A view of the skyline of Oklahoma City at sunrise.

Bison Buffalo Wichita Mountains

Bison Buffalo Wichita Mountains

Bison buffalo grazing in the Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma, United States.

Norman, Oklahoma US

Norman, Oklahoma US
Norman, Oklahoma – December 16, 2013: The University of Oklahoma, founded in 1890, features the Cherokee Gothic style of architecture. The Donald W. Reynolds Performing Arts Center is a prime example.

Turner Falls, Oklahoma

Turner Falls, Oklahoma
Super wide shot of Turner Falls, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma, United States of America.

Oklahoma Capitol Building

Oklahoma Capitol Building

Oklahoma Capitol Building in Oklahoma City, OK, USA.

Where is Oklahoma in the World?

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